An example of the boiler plate burden is exactly what was already 
discussed - modeling and tweaking as that's a good bulk of the early work. 
Bad first impressions can be a major deterrent.

Another example is the need to learn the various categories of operators 
(SOPS, CHOPS, VOPS, ...).  Sometimes nodes from different categories do the 
same thing.  that adds confusion.  If nodes from one category cannot work 
with a node of a different category, then that's a problem too.  This is 
where documentation is sorely needed.  It's not strictly a case of a SOP 
does this and a VOP does that, but rather a discussion about strategy.  When 
is it appropriate to use the various OPs?  When should a SOP be used in 
place of wrangled nodes, or vice versa?  that is a huge void in the 
documentation and a place where users easily get lost and frustrated to the 
point they throw in the towel.

In short, Houdini has a lot of spring cleaning to do to tidy things up for 
the generalist.  Right now it's an idiosyncratic development environment. 
It can be very powerful, but it requires a lot of inside knowledge to use 
it.  The generalist doesn't want to (or need to) deal with the inside 
knowledge.  They need something they can hit the ground running without 

As for the show dependencies thingy, that's just it.  I don't want to see 
more wires inside of a graph which is already very crowded, messy, and 
lacking structure.  There needs to be a way to illustrate the structured 
connectivity at a high level so users aren't forced into the weeds to get 
basic information.  With ICE or the rendertree in Softimage, the nodes were 
text-based so you could follow the logic while hiding unconnected ports. 
However, even ICE trees could get very complex very quickly, so the use of 
compounds were introduced, and while that helped, it wasn't the same as a 
schematic view as compounds could be recursively nested to very deep levels 
hiding the very information you sought.  Houdini's nodes are very iconic, 
but not very descriptive as to what they do.  You can see various node icon 
shapes, but that still doesn't tell you the logic in the same way as 
following an ICE tree or rendertree.  The design/layout of the network view 
leads to lots of bloat very fast making it difficult to keep track of your 
work when you get beyond simple models.  While networks make a lot of sense 
for VFX work, they are often less than ideal for character driven work. 
Character work benefits more from straightforward relationships which are 
easy to identify and follow as characters are often a hub for other work 
such as VFX, simulations, attachments, constraint interactions, and other 
details which come later in the pipeline.  People working in those later 
steps need to be able to quickly jump into the asset and immediately know 
what to do and where to do it.  They can't be burdened with a messy network 
graph which they must study to the N'th degree before they understand where 
to start.


Message: 2 Date: Sun, 13 May 2018 17:28:12 +0100
From: Jordi Bares <>
Subject: Re: Houdini : non VFX jobs?
To: "Official Softimage Users Mailing List.


On 12 May 2018, at 23:26, Matt Lind <> wrote:

I wouldn't steer towards uber nodes. The larger a node gets, the more 
maintenance it requires and more taxing it becomes as a bottleneck. If a 
node gets too big, you may end up with a situation where it becomes really 
popular from having a larger feature set and everybody and his cousin uses 
the node in every project. At that point the node can become an albatross 
around the developer's neck because any tweaks to the node could cause 
negative ripple effect throughout the community should something go wrong. 
The whole point of having a node system is to guard against that scenario by 
distributing the workload and only use the features you need. Uber nodes 
would automatically add bloat to your workflow from the many features you 
often wouldn't use but have to come along for the ride.

I was referring to the kind of ?uber node? you find in Softimage where you 
don?t have to do all the heavy lifting? certainly I agree with you, 
monolithic Albatros is not the idea of uber-node I had in mind. :-)

I think what's needed are more dedicated nodes for modeling, texturing, and 
animation tasks to fill in the current voids. There also needs to be some 
more UI polish to work with modeling and character animation workflows. Both 
are merely the base level adequate. They need to improve into good or great.

My take is that in order to compete in the modelling market the edit SOPs 
and the Retopo SOP will have to be extended to bring a lot more 
functionality and this is where I see the non-procedural approach 
acceptable. Right now these are very limited compared with Softimage.

Houdini needs a few modules to account for workflows where a node base 
system simply doesn't make any sense or provide advantage. Think pushing and 
pulling points on geometry to sculpt a character, or tweaking texture UVs 
for game assets. Building a network with hundreds of nodes containing all 
the tweaks is counter productive beyond a handful. It would be better to 
make a dedicated user interface to work on that task in long session form, 
then merely bake out the stack of tweaks as a single node in the tree when 
all is said and done ? or something to that effect. Perhaps the user would 
apply markers to decide how many tweaks can be bundled together as a single 
node upon completion in the same fashion a user can define an arbitrary 
point as a restore point when updating Windows.

We are on the same page here as well.

The FCurve editor is mostly OK, but the layout of tools on all sides of the 
windows needs a rethink. While they're making good use of screen space, it 
puts more burden on the mind of the user to keep track of all the tools and 
be more conscious of pointing and clicking with the mouse when tweaking 
FCurve Key values so as to avoid inadvertently clicking a tool placed on the 
perimeter of the FCurve editing workspace. Sometimes it's better to have 
emptiness on one or more sides of the workspace.

Indeed, this is really user experience refinements rather than anything 
else, imho it is quite good already and love the grouping system. Dopesheet 
needs some love though.

What needs most attention is management of large networks of ops as when 
dealing with character rigging as you need some degree of assessment of how 
the character's parts are hooked up to function. A schematic view makes that 
fairly straightforward and the parts that are overdriven by expressions or 
other tools are easy enough to locate with arrows and wires connecting them. 
Doing the same in Houdini on a complex character is quite a chore as the 
trees of nodes don't necessarily illustrate the patterns of parent/child 
relationship or trickle down behavior one would expect to be able to follow. 
This makes the process of rigging a bit counter-productive from an 
organizational standpoint and puts extra burden on new users or users who 
haven't seen the asset before and need to become familiar with it before 
they begin work. It requires a great deal more study to get up to speed.

Do you know about the ?show dependencies? right?

What most non-technical artists complain about is the lack of attention to 
detail in getting boiler plate tasks done. Not because the application isn't 
capable, but because it requires a lot more time and energy than should be 
necessary. It's kind of like having to rebuild your car from scratch every 
time you want to go grocery shopping. Even if all you have to buy is a 
carton of milk, the effort to get there is just not worth it. Furthermore, 
the houdini manuals aren't particularly good at describing how to make use 
of the system for these types of tasks.

I am not saying you are wrong but? could you point to some? I would love to 
analyse those and may be we can find ways to address those and minimise the 

There's documentation on individual nodes and interfaces, but there really 
isn't anything to tie it all together in a harmony that makes sense to the 
end user. One hand isn't talking to the other. I am a technical user and 
found this to be the most frustrating part of learning Houdini. While there 
are videos, the last thing I want to do is spend hours and hours scrubbing 
through videos to find the one nugget I need to get to the next step of the 

Very much agree the documentation efforts need a further push? these have 
been left behind by the rapid development and lost tons of examples that 
helped a lot.

I would like to use Houdini, but am choosing to not pursue it until I see 
more adoption for character and modeling work.

FYI I am rigging and animating a human character in Houdini as we speak… For 
a film.



Message: 1 Date: Sat, 12 May 2018 09:34:28 +0100 From: Jordi Bares 
<> Subject: Re: Houdini : non VFX jobs? To: "Official 
Softimage Users Mailing List.

<> Message-ID: 
<> Content-Type: text/plain; 
charset="utf-8"@Matt, Exactly my thoughts (but clearly better explained)I 
would certainly advocate to improve things in terms of node functionality or 
assisting better in certain aspects (blend shape manager, exporting bundles 
in and out, or adding hierarchical overrides in takes, or adding certain 
tools we use every single day, or bringing more ?uber nodes? to VOPs so we 
don?t have to be so granular) but always without sacrificing proceduralism 
or breaking their core design.Jb------ Softimage Mailing List. To 
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