Howdy yall,

I thought I would post here before I escalate this but... Arnold on Maya 2018 
is producing an error in render...

I've got an ESRI City Engine scene imported into Maya 2018, It was working fine 
under Maya 2017 and rendering fine in Mental Ray. But mental Ray is gone now.

1.       It renders in the Maya Software render fine.

2.       In Arnold it produces what looks like triangulation (Tessellation) 
errors rendering some triangles darker than others.

3.       It only produces the problem on materials with texture maps.

4.       Disconnecting the textures from the diffuse color removes the problem. 
But removes the texture also. But this seems to indicate its not a lighting, 
normals, or shading error.

5.       I've turned literally everything in Arnold settings off or neutral and 
no change.

6.       Its not shadows, nor anti-aliasing, nor duplicate polygons, nor a bad 

7.       Forcing a triangulate on the mesh can make different triangles darker 
but the problem does not go away.

8.       All reflections, shadows, motion blur, etc have been turned off in 
Maya and Arnold for Render Settings and Object. No change.

Any thoughts?

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