Hi folks,

just a minor non-technical remark.

We all know that there are lots of mobile operators out there, each with a 
special network infrastructure and a special IPv6 integration/migration 
strategy. From that perspective it seems logical that we will never find the 
global-galatctical all fitting migration mechanism and that we have to 
standardize and perhaps deploy a toolset of mechanisms. At the end the provider 
has to choose his poisson.

As far as I understood, 3GPP has already a document where it describes what 
tools they need. GI DS-lite is one of the chosen tools and it fits very well to 
several operator networks and migration scenarios.
That's why I'm, in favor for adopting it as WG document.

And to be clear: A WG document still needs work and discussion inside the WG.
But sometimes I have the feeling that today very often the requirements for a 
document to become a WG item are set equal to the requirements for a WG LC.
But this may be my personal feeling only.

Kind regards
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