> On May 26, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Ole Troan wrote:
> > I like the draft  and I think it covers the motivational points well.
> > 
> > as a  general comment, I do think the document is too wordy. could the 
>authors make  the next revision terser or do you want me to propose text 
> > 
> > I would also suggest that you reference the sections in rfc1958 on  state.
> > we don't have a good success record in gleaning state in the  middle of the 
>network (NAT, N:1 VLANs, DHCP...), since the protocols we 'glean'  from aren't 
>designed to maintain softstate in the network.
> > 
> > I  see no reason why this document shouldn't be adopted as a working group 
>document  immediately.
> I support this becoming a WG document, and agree with Ole  that the next 
>version should cut back on text. We want to give the IESG  something as clear 
>and concise as possible.
> If there is reasonable  consensus (not that the document is complete, but 
> that 
>it will be the basis for  the final document), all it takes is an OK by the 
>chairs and a submission by the  authors with the WG title. 

You mean after merging with draft-chen-softwire-4v6-motivation-00.txt?

then +1 from me.


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