> Because of the history of MAP and 4rd-U, we will designate independent teams 
> of volunteer reviewers to advise the working group about the state of the 
> document sets.  Each set will be reviewed by an independent team who are not 
> authors of the MAP and 4rd-U documents. Each review team will consist of 
> three members and will determine when its document set is ready for working 
> group last call. If you are interested in volunteering for one of the review 
> teams, please respond directly to the chairs, indicating your preference for 
> which document to review if you have one. The appointment of the review teams 
> will be entirely up to the chairs. Aside from these appointed reviews, the 
> chairs would naturally appreciate any and all reviews provided, regardless of 
> whether the reviewer(s) participate on a review team.

Seems like a pending procedural quagmire. 

Perhaps we would have been better off with the coin toss. 

- Mark
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