On Apr 3, 2007, at 3:06 PM, Ryan McKinley wrote:
I want it all!!!

I'm with Ryan on that!

All of the issues Ryan mentioned would certainly make me ecstatic. On that note, I've picked up SOLR-184 and will tinker with it in the next day when I can, review and commit.

A released version of Solr with all of the error handling and introspection/debugging capabilities would be perfect for solr-ruby too. All those changes make some very amazing details available to Solr clients.

I'll look at the other issues in the future if no one else picks them up first.


If you are thinking within the next week or two, I vote we focus on
consistent response format and better error handling.  I would suggest
that rather then map /update to SolrUpdateServlet, it should use the
new update handler framework - returning non 200 response for errors.

I would also vote for something like SOLR-179, but i have not heard
much feedback from others on that.

If the timespan were longer, I would want to get in modifying/updating
documents - but that still has a lot of design choices that we should
all feel confident about.

The other minor things I would like to see soon (but should not affect
release) are SOLR-184 and SOLR-176


On 4/3/07, Yonik Seeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
While it doesn't particularly feel like a natural place to have a
release now, it has been 3.5 months since release 1.1, and that was
while we were still in the incubator.

More frequent releases allows users access to new features in a timely
manner without using a nightly build, and thus allows developers more
flexibility to change things between releases.

So what features / issues do people think we need to resolve before we
make a 1.2 release?


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