another minor addition:
 - move to Junti4 for new tests... and some old tests might be
migrated (for speed issues)

I already have a SolrTestCaseJ4 that extends LuceneTestCase4J that
avoids spinning up a solr core for each test method... but I need to
be able to reference  LuceneTestCase4J from the lucene sources (i.e it
works in the IDE, but not on the command line right now).


On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Yonik Seeley <> wrote:
> Here is a very rough list of what makes sense to me:
> - since lucene is on a new major version, the next solr release
> containing that sould have a new major version number
>  - this does not preclude further releases on 1.x
>  - for simplicity, and the "single dev" model, we should just sync
> with lucene's... i.e. the next major Solr version would be 3.1
> - branches/solr would become the new trunk, with a shared trunk with
> lucene in some structure (see other thread)
> - solr cloud branch gets merged in
> - we move to Java6 (Java5 has already been EOLd by Sun unless you pay
> money... and we need Java6 for zookeeper, scripting)
> - remove deprecations (finally!), and perhaps some additional cleanups
> that we've wanted to do
> -Yonik

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