On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Chris Hostetter
<hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:
> : We try not to do that then.  Things make a lot more sense when one
> : starts thinking of them as a single project, w/o multiple downloads.
> :
> : If major modules were to be pulled from Solr and put into Lucene, and
> : Solr wanted to make some big changes for a major version number bump?
> : How could it do so w/o lucene doing that?  It's the same issue.
> No, actaully it's the converse issue -- if a major piece moves from "solr"
> to "core" and a *person* wanted to make a major change to that piece of
> functionality that wasn't backwards compatible, then "core" would
> certianly need to undergo a major version bump.

To try and put it simply - w/o an attempt at synchronized releases,
I'm against of code/modules moving out of solr.  It get's to the heart
of why we merged in the first place.


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