: Is it just that the cache size needs to be bigger then the number of
: distinct values for a field?

basically yes, but the cache is going to be used for all filters -- not
just those for a single facet (so your cache might be big enough that
faceting on fieldA or fieldB is fine, but if you facet on both you'll get
performance pains)

: If so, it would be nice to add an /admin page that lists each field,
: the distinct value count and a green/red box showing if the current
: configuration will facet quickly.  This could be a good place to
: suggest a good configuration for the data in your index.

that reminds me of an idea i had way back when for a Solr sanity checker
tool that would inspect your schema, index, and logs of sample queries and
point out things that didn't seem to make any sense, ie: String fields
that don't omitNorms, sorting on a tokenized field, or a non-sortable
int/float fields that werre multivalued but didnt' seem like they needed
to be (because every doc only had one value) etc...


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