
I am looking for auto-complete in Solr but on top of just auto complete I
want as well to return the data completely (not just suggestions), so I
want to get back the ids, and other fields in the whole document. I tried
the following 2 approaches but each had issues

1) Used the /suggest component but that returns a very specific format
which looks like I cannot customize. I want to return the whole document
that has a matching field and not only the suggestion list. So for example,
if I write "hard" it returns the results in a specific format as follows

<arr name="suggestion">          <str>hard drive</str>
<str>hard disk</str>        </arr>

 Is there a way to get back additional fields with suggestions?

2) Tried the normal /select component but that does not do auto-complete on
portion of the word. So, for example, if I write the query as "bara" it
DOES NOT return "barack obama". Any suggestions how to solve this?


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