On 4/14/2016 11:17 AM, Sara Woodmansee wrote:
> I posted yesterday, however I never received my own post, so worried it did 
> not go through (?)

I *did* see your previous message, but couldn't immediately think of
anything constructive to say.  I've had a little bit of time on my lunch
break today to look deeper.

EnglishMinimalStemFilter is designed to *not* aggressively stem
everything it sees.  It appears that the behavior you are seeing is
probably intentional with that filter.

In 5.5.0 and 6.0.0, PorterStemFilter will handle words of the form you
mentioned correctly.  In the screenshot below, PSF means
"PorterStemFilter".  I did not check any earlier versions.  I already
had these versions on my system.



That version of Solr is over four years old.  Bugs in 3.x will *not* be
fixed.  Bugs in 4.x will also not be fixed.  On 5.x, only extremely
major bugs are likely to get any attention, and this does not qualify as
a major bug.


On another matter:


You replied to a message with the subject "Solr Support for BM25F" ...
so your message is showing up within that thread.



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