In practice there shoud not be much of a delay, but if you change the ACL 
permission on a top-level folder with 10 million docs beneath,
it will take some time before all those docs are reindexed. But if you instead 
give your friend read access to a new “group” which 
already have access to the docs, the change is immediate.

I suppose ManifoldCF could start using DocValues for the ACL info and update 
those atomically much faster than re-indexing the content of every document. 
Anyone know if that would be feasible?

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS -

> 19. okt. 2016 kl. 00.30 skrev Markus Jelsma <>:
> ManifoldCF can do this really flexible, with Filenet or Sharepoint, or both, 
> i don't remember that well. This means a variety of users can have changing 
> privileges  at any time. The backend determines visibility, ManifoldCF just 
> asks how visible it should be.
> This also means you need those backends and ManifoldCF. If broad document and 
> users permissions are required (and you have those backends), this is a very 
> viable option.
> -----Original message-----
>> From:John Bickerstaff <>
>> Sent: Wednesday 19th October 2016 0:14
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Public/Private data in Solr :: Metadata or ?
>> Thanks Jan --
>> I did a quick scan on the wiki and here:
>> and couldn't find the answer to the following question in the 5 or 10
>> minutes I spent looking.  Admittedly I'm being lazy and hoping you have
>> enough experience with the project to answer easily...
>> Do you know if ManifoldCF helps with a use case where the security token
>> needs to be changed arbitrarily and a re-index of the collection is not
>> practical?  Or is ManifoldCF an index-time only kind of thing?
>> Use Case:  User A changes "record A" from private to public so a friend
>> (User B) can see it.  User B logs in and expects to see what User A changed
>> to public a few minutes earlier.
>> The security token on "record A" would need to be changed immediately, and
>> that change would have to occur in Solr - yes?
>> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 3:32 PM, Jan Høydahl <> wrote:
>>> <
>>> --
>>> Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
>>> Cominvent AS -
>>>> 18. okt. 2016 kl. 23.00 skrev John Bickerstaff <
>>>> :
>>>> I have a question that I suspect I'll need to answer very soon in my
>>>> current position.
>>>> How (or is it even wise) to "segregate data" in Solr so that some data
>>> can
>>>> be seen by some users and some data not be seen?
>>>> Taking the case of "public / private" as a (hopefully) simple, binary
>>>> example...
>>>> Let's imagine I have a data set that can be seen by a user.  Some of that
>>>> data can be seen ONLY by the user (this would be the private data) and
>>> some
>>>> of it can be seen by others (assume the user gave permission for this in
>>>> some way)
>>>> What is a best practice for handling this type of situation?  I can see
>>>> putting metadata in Solr of course, but the instant I do that, I create
>>> the
>>>> obligation to keep it updated (Document-level CRUD?) and I start using
>>> Solr
>>>> more like a DB than a search engine.
>>>> (Assume the user can change this public/private setting on any one piece
>>> of
>>>> "their" data at any time).
>>>> Of course, I can also see some kind of post-results massaging of data to
>>>> remove private data based on ID's which are stored in a database or
>>> similar
>>>> datastore...
>>>> How have others solved this and is there a consensus on whether to keep
>>> it
>>>> out of Solr, or how best to handle it in Solr?
>>>> Are there clever implementations of "secondary" collections in Solr for
>>>> this purpose?
>>>> Any advice / hard-won experience is greatly appreciated...

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