On 10/18/2016 3:00 PM, John Bickerstaff wrote:
> How (or is it even wise) to "segregate data" in Solr so that some data
> can be seen by some users and some data not be seen? 

IMHO, security like this isn't really Solr's job ... but with the right
data in the index, the system that DOES handle the security can include
a filter with each user's query to restrict them to only the data they
are allowed to see.  There are many ways to put data in the index for
efficient use by a filter.  The simplest would be a boolean field with a
name like isPublic or isPrivate, where true and false are mapped as
necessary to public and private.

Naturally, the users must not be able to reach Solr directly ... they
must be restricted to the software that connects to Solr on their
behalf.  Blocking end users from direct network access to Solr is a good
idea even if there are no other security needs.

There are more comprehensive solutions available, as you will notice
from other replies, but the idea of simple filtering, controlled by your
application, should work.


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