IMO you’re making this more complicated than it needs to be.

Forget for a moment where the user profile is stored.  Say user A likes 
turtles.  User B likes puppies.

User A queries, and this gets sent to Solr:  q=something&bq=turtles
User B queries: q=something&bq=puppies

I’d fetch the user preference details _before_ making the call to Solr, and 
augment the call to Solr with the user-specific boosting/parameters.

If you happen to store the user preferences in a Solr document, fetch that 
document in your application tier before making the call to Solr (and I’d 
suggest using a separate collection for user preferences).   Sure, that’s two 
Solr requests, but… no worries!   Fetching a single document from Solr that is 
likely cached anyway won’t be slow.   And if you account for implementation 
time in your effort, it’s a big win. :)

For the record - this is the kind of thing we do in Lucidworks Fusion - sidecar 
collections, looking stuff up (preferences, recommendations, rules, etc etc) 
and augmenting the final/real Solr request.   Sounds kinda simplistic, and it 
is.  But the synergy of these simple things working together is Powerful Magic. 
  I’d hate to see you go down a really complicated and custom route to achieve 
what you’re asking, but I do empathize with the sentiment to roll all this 
together into a single Solr request hiding all the magic.   But simpler and 
straightforward is better than complex and custom if the end result is the same 


> On Jan 5, 2018, at 6:10 AM, marco <> wrote:
> Hi, first of all I want to say that i'm a beginner with the whole Lucene/Solr
> environment.
> I'm trying to create a simple personalized search engine, and to do so i was
> thinking about adding a parameter user=xxxx to the uri of the query
> requests, that i would need during the scoring phase to rerank the result on
> based on the user profile (stored as a normal document).
> My question is: how can i create a custom Similarity class that is able to
> retrieve a parameter passed during the request phase? I "know" from this 
> <>
> that extending QParsePlugin I can access the request parameters, but how can
> i pass them during the whole chain of search operations so that they are
> accessible during the scoring phase?
> Thank you for your help.
> --
> Sent from:

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