Hi Steve,

this seems to be more recent


On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 2:33 PM, Charlie Hull <char...@flax.co.uk> wrote:

> On 22/03/2018 13:13, Steven White wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> There are some good write ups on the internet comparing the two and the
>> one
>> thing that keeps coming up about Elasticsearch being superior to Solr is
>> it's analytic capability.  However, I cannot find what those analytic
>> capabilities are and why they cannot be done using Solr.  Can someone help
>> me with this question?
> Hi Steve,
> As you've said there are lots of writeups, some more out-of-date than
> others. http://solr-vs-elasticsearch.com/ is quite good on features.
> The analytics in ES are based on a number of custom aggregations (which I
> always think of as facet-counting-on-steroids, but I realise it's more
> complicated than that). Here's an early doc on them
> https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/
> _analytics.html So you need a good grasp of Elasticsearch's DSL to use
> these. The integration with Kibana is good if you want to display your
> results.
> Solr's analytic capabilities use a Solr Search Component:
> https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/7_2/analytics.html . As with a lot
> of Solr features these can appear a lot more complex than Elasticsearch's
> offering. Yonik's blog is also worth reading as he often talks about new
> and upcoming Solr features like this. http://yonik.com/solr-facet-fu
> nctions/
> As we've always said, there are few cases where you can't build a solution
> using either engine and I believe that's also true for analytics.
>> Personally, I'm a Solr user and the thing that concerns me about
>> Elasticsearch is the fact that it is owned by a company that can  any day
>> decide to stop making Elasticsearch avaialble under Apache license and
>> even
>> completely close free access to it.
> Yes, but why would they? It would be suicide for a company that have such
> an established open source heritage - not least because a lot of Lucene
> developers who work for Elastic would object. I'd be a bit more annoyed
> about the fact they announced that their commercial XPack add-ons would be
> 'open code' and everyone thinks that means 'open source' - which it clearly
> isn't.
>> So, this is a 2 part question:
>> 1) What are the analytic capability of Elasticsearch that cannot be done
>> using Solr?  I want to see a complete list if possible.
>> 2) Should an Elasticsearch user be worried that Elasticsearch may close
>> it's open-source policy at anytime or that outsiders have no say about
>> it's
>> road map?
> That's a slightly different question about road map - but you do have some
> say, Elastic's developers have always been very helpful and open to
> suggestions from outsiders (who are also users of course!).
> Cheers
> Charlie
>> Thanks,
>> Steve
> --
> Charlie Hull
> Flax - Open Source Enterprise Search
> tel/fax: +44 (0)8700 118334
> mobile:  +44 (0)7767 825828
> web: www.flax.co.uk

Vincenzo D'Amore

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