On 9/20/2018 9:32 AM, Schaum Mallik wrote:
‘Then use "bin/solr zk rm" to get rid of it from ZK.‘ <— can you give the
full command for this one if you don’t mind

Before doing this, try what I suggested.  I am not sure that you need to mess with what you have in ZK.

If you have core.properties files in ZK, that should not cause any issues with any current version of Solr, or the upcoming 8.0 as far as I know.  I suppose it's possible that it might cause problems with a future version, but honestly I doubt that it will ever be a problem.

The path to delete in ZK would be /configs/XXX/core.properties, where XXX is the name of the config.  The name of the config can be the same as the core, but can also be different.  I think you can probably use this command:

bin/solr zk rm /configs/XXX/core.properties -z ZKHOST

Where XXX is the name of the collection and ZKHOST is the ZKHOST string that your Solr installs are using, listing all your ZK servers.  I have tested this and it should work.


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