In response to this mistake that I did of keeping the in
the configuration directory when it was uploaded to zookeeper, how should I
go about fixing it?

Thank you

On Thursday, September 20, 2018, Schaum Mallik <>

> Hi Eric
> I created the collection the way you detailed it in here. The
> configuration directory for the collections was copied over from the
> standalone solr 6. the existed in the conf directory and I
> didn’t realize it would cause this issue.
> Also all the nodes are solr 7.4.
> Thank you
> On Thursday, September 20, 2018, Erick Erickson <>
> wrote:
>> I agree with Shawn that having
>> instanceDir=/opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/articles as where your
>> core is located is strange, how are you starting Solr? In particular,
>> do those nodes use a "-s' parameter to redefine SOLR_HOME?
>> The "-d" option (assuming you created the collection with bin/solr)
>> just tells Solr where the configset you're using is located on your
>> local disk, it does _not_ put the instanceDir there, it just looks for
>> the configset to upload to ZK.
>> Check if there's a "" file in
>> "/opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/articles". The presence of that file
>> indicates that that's the home of the replica.
>> Now to the very weird bit. This sounds an awful lot like
>> Especially if your
>> old system was Solr 6.6.1 or 6.6.2.. Short form, ""
>> needs to contain a, you guessed it, "coreNodeName" property that
>> corresponds to what's in ZooKeeper.
>> However, I simply cannot reconcile this being the problem with what
>> you're reporting. There's code in 7x that repairs this issue
>> automatically. Is there any chance for the node in question that it's
>> _not_ running 7.4 and still on 6.6.1/2? Maybe Shawn's latest comment
>> would reconcile that?
>> How to fix. Well, fixing should be automatic unless the fixer-upper
>> code is no longer in 7.4, but on a quick check the code _is_ in 7.4.
>> > Make very, very sure the Solr you're running on the nodes in question
>> is 7.4, or at least _NOT_ 6.6.1/2
>> > Make very, very sure that you don't specify some strange "-s" parameter
>> or have defined SOLR_HOME to point to 
>> /opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/articles,
>> although that shouldn't really matter.
>> > When you DELETEREPLICA, go to the node and manually see if the
>> directory /opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/articles exists. It shouldn't
>> (see the deleteInstanceDir option in the DELETEREPLICA for why).
>> If none of that makes any difference, please show us the full output of
>> > ps aux | grep solr
>> > export (looking for you redefining SOLR_HOME)
>> > the "" file in the indicated directory.
>> Best,
>> Erick
>> On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 7:36 AM Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
>> >
>> > On 9/20/2018 8:22 AM, Schaum Mallik wrote:
>> > > Thanks for the response Shawn.
>> > >
>> > > My follow up question is how would the zookeeper ensemble know that
>> the
>> > > location of the indexes has changed? Also do I need to apply the same
>> > > changes to the other 2 solr nodes which are working fine?
>> >
>> > This move is not to change the location, it's to stop Solr from trying
>> > to load the indexes completely.  Solr will no longer try to load them.
>> > I think these are invalid indexes from when the Solr instance was NOT
>> > running in cloud mode, and have nothing at all to do with your working
>> > collections.  But just in case I'm wrong, I'm having you move them
>> > instead of delete them, so they can be put back if it turns out they
>> > actually were needed.
>> >
>> > ZooKeeper doesn't know anything at all about Solr and the data it puts
>> > in ZK.  It is just a service that stores cluster data where all nodes
>> > can read it and handles elections when it is asked to.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Shawn
>> >

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