On 9/20/2018 8:59 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
I just completed a test where I did that exact sequence of converting a node from non-cloud with existing indexes to cloud, and ran into the exact same errors you're seeing.  I can relay exact details of the test if required.

Here's what I did to replicate the symptoms.  On a Windows 10 system, I did this in the root of an extracted 7.3.0 download:

bin\solr start -e cloud -noprompt

This starts up a two-node SolrCloud example, all on one machine, with an embedded ZooKeeper running in the first node.

Then I did this:

bin\solr create -c foo -p 8983

This created a collection called foo within the cloud.  So far, no problems.

Then I did this, to start up another instance, this time non-clouid.

bin\solr start -p 8900

That was followed by this command to create a core called foo in the non-cloud instance:

bin\solr create -c foo -p 8900

Then I stopped the non-cloud instance, and started it again as a cloud instance, pointing at the existing zookeeper:

bin\solr stop -p 8900
bin\solr start -p 8900 -z localhost:9983

At this point, when visiting http://localhost:8900 to see the admin UI, it will complain about not being able to start the core named foo, and the log will show the same errors you sent. The instanceDir is not under configsets ... I was not using the configsets feature in the non-cloud install.  If the name of the core does not match the name of an existing collection in the cloud install, then the errors are different.  In your case, the core name does match the name of a collection in your cloud.


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