Hi Terence,

Terence Gannon schrieb:
Yes, the ownerUid will likely be assigned once and never changed.  But
you still need it, in order to keep track of who has contributed which

Yes, of course!

I've been going over some of the simpler query scenarios, and Solr is
capable of handling them without having to resort to an external

The database is only to store grants - it's not to help with searching.
It would look like this:

  grantee        | grant
  fritz          | fred,frank,egon
  frank          | egon,fritz
  egon           | terence,frank

Each user is granted to access to his own documents and to those he
had received grants for.

In order to limit documents to those which a given user owns,
or those to which he has been granted access, the syntax fragment
would be something like;

ownerUid:ab2734 or grantedUid:ab2734

I think it could be:

  ownerUid:egon OR ownerUid:terence OR ownerUid:frank

No need to embed grants in the document.

Ah, I see my mistake now. You want grants based on the document, not on
the user - I had overlooked that fact. That makes my suggestion invalid.

I'll plead ignorance of the 'ineluctable filter query' and will have
to read up on that one.

I meant a filter query that the application tags onto the query on
behalf of the user and without the user being able to do anything about
it so he cannot circumvent the filter.

Best regards,

Michael Ludwig

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