: Subject: posting binary file and metadata in two separate documents

there was some discussion a while back about that fact that you can push 
multiple "ContentStreams" to SOlr in a single request, and while the 
existing handelrs all just iterate over and process them seperately, it 
would be *possible* for a variant of ExtractingRequest handler to use the 
first stream to get document metadat, and have that metdata refrence the 
other streams in some way for large chunks of text)

But no one has attempted to implement that as far as i know.

: -F "myfi...@myfile.pdf"
: Where I have large numbers of ext.literal params this becomes a bit of a
: chore.. and it would be the same case in an html form with many params... 
: can I pass both files to '/update/extract' as documents, (files) linked
: together?  Or are there any other options like this?  Perhaps something I
: can do with Solrj.

there's no reason those params have ot be in the URL.  you can do a 
multipart POST with application/x-www-form-urlencoded in one part and your 
pdf file in another part (just like doing a POST from a massive HTML form 
with an '<input type="file">' option)


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