Excellent! You already made my day for tomorrow! I'll check it's behavior with 
fq parameters specifying the a filter for the same field!
-----Original message-----
From: Chris Hostetter <hossman_luc...@fucit.org>
Sent: Wed 08-09-2010 21:04
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org; 
Subject: RE: Re: Re: Invariants on a specific fq value

: Sounds great! I'll be very sure to put it to the test tomorrow and 
: perhaps add documentation on these types to the solrconfigxml wiki page 
: for reference.

SolrConfigXml wouldn't really be an appropriate place to document this 
-- it's not a general config item, it's a feature of the SearchHandler...


That wiki page already documented defaults, i've updated it to add 
details on appends and invariants.


http://lucenerevolution.org/  ...  October 7-8, Boston
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