On 7/22/2011 8:23 AM, Pierre GOSSE wrote:
I've read that in a thread title " Weird optimize performance degradation", where Erick Erickson 
states that "Older versions of Lucene would search faster on an optimized index, but this is no longer 
necessary.", and more recently in a thread you initiated a month ago "Question about 

I'll also be very interested if anyone had a more precise idea/datas of 
benefits and tradeoff of optimize vs merge ...

My most recent testing has been with Solr 3.2.0. I have noticed some speedup after optimizing an index, but the gain is not earth-shattering. My index consists of 7 shards. One of them is small, and receives all new documents every two minutes. The others are large, and aside from deletes, are mostly static. Once a day, the oldest data is distributed from the small shard to its proper place in the other six shards.

The small shard is optimized once an hour, and usually takes less than a minute. I optimize one large shard every day, so each one gets optimized once every six days. That optimize takes 10-15 minutes. The only reason that I optimize is to remove deleted documents, whatever speedup I get is just icing on the cake. Deleted documents take up space and continue to influence the relevance scoring of queries, so I want to remove them.


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