> Unless you have warming happening, there should
> only be a single searcher open at any given time.
> So it seems to me that maxWarmingSearchers
> should give you what you need.

What I'm seeing is that if a query takes a very long time to run, and runs 
across the duration of multiple commits (I know, that itself sounds bad!), I 
can get into a situation where I have 2 searchers in use and 1 searcher 
warming, rather than 1 searcher in use and 1 searcher warming. Due to all the 
memory-intensive features I use, having 3 or more searchers open can cause an 

I'm not using master/slave for this application, so can't go that route.

I'd like a way to see how many searchers are currently open that is external to 
Solr. This would allow me to block my commits until I see that there is only 1 
searcher currently open. I could use JMX, but that feels like overkill - 
wondering if there is something simpler.


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