> I'm curious, why can't you do a master/slave setup?

It's just not all that useful for this particular application. Indexing new 
docs and merging segments - which as I understand is the main strength of 
having a write-only master - is a relatively small part of our app. What really 
is expensive perf-wise for us is the facet regeneration after each commit, and 
long-running complex queries. I'm not sure a master/slave setup would solve the 
issue with many open searchers - even with a long poll interval, won't the 
slave still potentially open many searchers if old searchers are still in use?

My current plan is to create a request handler that iterates through the mbeans 
in req.getCore().getInfoRegistry() and gets a count of how many distinct 
SolrIndexSearchers there are, then returns this count. Seems really hacky, but 
fairly straightforward. Would love to hear any ideas on a better way to do this.


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