On Tue, 2013-04-02 at 15:55 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:

[Tokd: maxWarmingSearchers limit exceeded?]

> Thank you Toke, this is exactly on my "list of things to learn about
> Solr". We do get the error mentioned and we cannot reduce the amount
> of commits. Also, I do believe that we have the necessary server
> resources (16 GiB RAM).

Memory does not help you if you commit too frequently. If you commit
each X seconds and warming takes X+Y seconds, then you will run out of
memory at some point.

> I have increased maxWarmingSearchers to 4, let's see how this goes.

If you still get the error with 4 concurrent searchers, you will have to
either speed up warmup time or commit less frequently. You should be
able to reduce facet startup time by switching to segment based faceting
(at the cost of worse search-time performance) or maybe by using
DocValues. Some of the current threads on the solr-user list is about
these topics.

How often do you commit and how many unique values does your facet
fields have?

Toke Eskildsen

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