On 04/02/2013 05:04 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
How might I time the warming? I've been googling warming since your
earlier message but there does not seem to be any really good
documentation on the subject. If there is anything that you feel I
should be reading I would appreciate a link or a keyword to search on.
I've read the Solr wiki on caching and performance, but other than
that I don't see the issue addressed.

warmupTime is available on the admin page for each type of cache (in
milliseconds) :

Or if you are only interested in the total :

Batches of 20-50 results are added to solr a few times a minute, and a
commit is done after each batch since I'm calling Solr as such: Should I
remove commit=true and run a cron job to commit once per minute?

Even better, it sounds like a job for CommitWithin :


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