there are 6 shards and they are in one machine,and the jvm param is very 
big,the physical memory is 16GB,the total #docs is about 150k,the index size of 
each shard is about 1GB.AND there is indexing while searching,I USE auto commit 
 each 10min.and the data comes about 100 per minutes. 

在 2013-4-19,下午3:17,Furkan KAMACI <> 写道:

> Could you give more info about your index size and technical details of
> your machine? Maybe you are indexing more data day by day and your RAM
> capability is not enough anymore?
> 2013/4/19 qibaoyuan <>
>> Hello,
>>   i am using sold 4.1.0 and ihave used sold cloud in my product.I have
>> found at first everything seems good,the search time is fast and delay is
>> slow,but it becomes very slow after days.does any one knows if there maybe
>> some params or optimization to use sold cloud?

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