How are you committing data? With 4.0, CommitWithin is now a soft commit, which means that the transaction log will grow until you do a hard commit. You need to periodically do a hard commit if you are continually updating the index. How much updating are you doing?

Also, check how much heap is available about you first start the server and have done a few queries and then monitor heap available over time. Maybe you are hitting garbage collections. Maybe you have too much heap allocated so that even a normal Java GC just takes a very long time because so much garbage accumulates - which is why you want only a modest amount of heap available above what the data needs after a few queries have loaded caches.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: qibaoyuan
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 3:15 AM
Subject: solr-cloud performance decrease day by day

i am using sold 4.1.0 and ihave used sold cloud in my product.I have found at first everything seems good,the search time is fast and delay is slow,but it becomes very slow after days.does any one knows if there maybe some params or optimization to use sold cloud?=

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