On 5/23/2013 6:25 AM, Christian Köhler wrote:
> in my attempt to migrate for m 3.6.x to 4.3.0 I stumbled upon an issue
> loading the MySQL driver from the [instance]/lib dir:
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandler

The best thing to do is take the lib directives out of solrconfig.xml
and put your extra jars in ${solr.solr.home}/lib, where solr.solr.home
is the directory where solr.xml lives.  NB: There might be two solr.xml
files in your setup, but if there are, one of them will tell your
servlet container how to start solr, the correct file tells solr about

Normally, you can set up another global lib directory, absolute or
relative to solr.solr.home, with the sharedLib attribute in solr.xml,
but that doesn't work in 4.3.0 - only ${solr.solr.home}/lib works in
that specific version.  Here's the bug report:


I discovered another glitch last night in the 4.4 development version
and filed a bug report, but I've been informed that I've been doing it
wrong for the last couple of years:



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