: I only SUSPECT of the MySQL driver being the culprit for the dataimporthandler
: jar is not getting loaded. Not sure!

the dataimporthandler *class* is not getting loaded the 
dataimporthandler *jar* is not getting loaded.

: > MySql classes, i would check your lib settings for loading the DIH
: > jars
: I am not using DIH. IMHO its just the plain example code in
: solr-4.3.0/example/solr/collection1/ that is being called.

i'm totally confused ... DIH == DataImportHandler ... it's just an 
acronym, you say you aren't using DIH, but you are having a problem 
loading DIH, so DIH is used in your configs.

: I include the full trace back to clarify my problem (hopefully)


: org.apache.solr.core.SolrResourceLoader  – new SolrResourceLoader for
: directory: 'solr/collection1/'
: 1143 [coreLoadExecutor-3-thread-1] INFO  org.apache.solr.core.SolrConfig  –
: Adding specified lib dirs to ClassLoader
: 1144 [coreLoadExecutor-3-thread-1] INFO
: org.apache.solr.core.SolrResourceLoader  – Adding
: 'file:/home/solr/solr-4.3.0/example/lib/jetty-util-8.1.8.v20121106.jar' to
: classloader

        ...ok, for starters this makes no sense, and may be the cause of 
some problems.  you aparently have your collection1 configs setup to load 
all of the classes from the /home/solr/solr-4.3.0/example/example/lib 
directory as part of the collection1 classloader.

you really don't want to do that.  It will most likeley cause you all 
sorts of problems, even if it's unrelated to the current problem.

Second, note in particular all of the lines that look like that line above 
-- specifically lines that say "org.apache.solr.core.SolrResourceLoader - 
Addming XXXX to classloader".  besides the ones refering to 
/home/solr/solr-4.3.0/example/lib/ (which is almost certainly not what you 
want) you then have a bunch refering to contrib/extraction and 
contrib/langid, and contrib/velocity -- all of which is great, those 
plugins and their dependencies are now available to use.

but no where does it ever say anything about adding 
contrib/dataimporthandler jars to the classloader.

which means your config isn't setup to load any of hte dataimporthandler 
jars as plugins

which means when it's done loading plugins, and it starts to initialize 
things like RequestHandlers, and it finds a refrence to the 
DataImportHandler, it doesn't know what that means...

: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
: org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandler

if you look at the 4.3 DIH examples, you'll note that 
the only solrconfig.xml files that mention "DataImportHandler" also 
include lib directives like the following in order to load 
dataimporthandler as a plugin...

  <lib dir="../../../../dist/" regex="solr-dataimporthandler-.*\.jar" />
   <requestHandler name="/dataimport" 


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