: in my attempt to migrate for m 3.6.x to 4.3.0 I stumbled upon an issue loading
: the MySQL driver from the [instance]/lib dir:
: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
: org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandler

one of us is mistaken by what that error means.  you say it means that 
the MySQL driver isn't being loaded, but nothing in your mail suggests 
to me that there is a problem loading hte MySql driver.  what i see is 
that Solr can't seem to load the DIH class, suggesting that the 
dataimporthandler jar is not getting loaded.  

There may or nay not also be a problem loading the MySQL driver, but 
nothing is even going to attempt to do so unless Solr can successfully 
construct an instance of the DataImportHandler.

So unless there are more details to your error that start mentioning the 
MySql classes, i would check your lib settings for loading the DIH jars 
and make sure those are right.


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