On 8/27/2013 3:32 PM, vsilgalis wrote:
thanks for the quick reply.

I made to rule out what I could around how Linux is handling this stuff.
Yes I'm using the default swappiness setting of 60, but at this point it
looks like the machine is swapping now because of low memory.

Here is the vmstat and free -m results:

Here is my top sorted by mem:

Again, I feel like I might be missing something but not sure what.

You are right, it is definitely swapping, and it's more than a little bit. I don't see any indication on the top output that anything other than Java is using a lot of memory, so I don't know what's using the swap. Just to be sure we have the right info, can you give me the output of the following command?

ps aux --sort -rss | cut -c1-80 | head -n 10

This looks like your Java (or maybe something else on the box) may be misbehaving very badly. Can you go to your Solr UI dashboard and get me a screenshot? I need all the info from the JVM-Memory and JVM sections, including the whole JVM section. If you have a lot of jvm args, you may need to scroll down to see them all at once.


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