Hoss is working on it. Search for deep paging or cursor in JIRA.

Solr & ElasticSearch Support
On Dec 17, 2013 12:30 PM, "Petersen, Robert" <
robert.peter...@mail.rakuten.com> wrote:

> Hi solr users,
> We have a new use case where need to make a pile of data available as XML
> to a client and I was thinking we could easily put all this data into a
> solr collection and the client could just do a star search and page through
> all the results to obtain the data we need to give them.  Then I remembered
> we currently don't allow deep paging in our current search indexes as
> performance declines the deeper you go.  Is this still the case?
> If so, is there another approach to make all the data in a collection
> easily available for retrieval?  The only thing I can think of is to query
> our DB for all the unique IDs of all the documents in the collection and
> then pull out the documents out in small groups with successive queries
> like 'UniqueIdField:(id1 OR id2 OR ... OR idn)' 'UniqueIdField:(idn+1 OR
> idn+2 OR ... etc)' which doesn't seem like a very good approach because the
> DB might have been updated with new data which hasn't been indexed yet and
> so all the ids might not be in there (which may or may not matter I
> suppose).
> Then I was thinking we could have a field with an incrementing numeric
> value which could be used to perform range queries as a substitute for
> paging through everything.  Ie queries like 'IncrementalField:[1 TO 100]'
> 'IncrementalField:[101 TO 200]' but this would be difficult to maintain as
> we update the index unless we reindex the entire collection every time we
> update any docs at all.
> Is this perhaps not a good use case for solr?  Should I use something else
> or is there another approach that would work here to allow a client to pull
> groups of docs in a collection through the rest api until the client has
> gotten them all?
> Thanks
> Robi

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