: You can do range queries without an upper bound and just limit the number of
: results. Then you look at the last result to obtain the new lower bound.

exactly.  instead of this:

   First: q=foo&start=0&rows=$ROWS
   After: q=foo&start=$X&rows=$ROWS

...where $ROWS is how big a batch of docsy you can handle at one time, 
and you increase the value of $X by the value of $ROWS on each successive 
request, you can just do this...

   First: q=foo&start=0&rows=$ROWS&sort=id+asc
   After: q=foo&start=0&rows=$ROWS&sort=id+asc&fq=id:{$X TO *]

...where $X is whatever the "last" id you got on the previous page.

Or: you try out the patch in SOLR-5463 and do something like this...

   First: q=foo&start=0&rows=$ROWS&sort=id+asc&cursorMark=*
   After: q=foo&start=0&rows=$ROWS&sort=id+asc&cursorMark=$X

...where $X is whatever "nextCursorMark" you got from the previous page.


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