On Friday 16 January 2009 11:02:38 am Mike McCune wrote:
> Jesus M. Rodriguez wrote:
> > One more note I forgot to mention, Spacewalk 0.4 requires cobbler >=
> > 1.4 which is in epel-testing.
> >
> > sincerely,
> > jesus
> epel-testing can be found here:
> http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/testing/
> I believe epel-testing will go to stable today some time.
you can also do "yum --enablerepo=epel-testing install cobbler "  as step 1 of 
your install/upgrade.  the config for epel-testing ships with epel-release  its 
just not enabled by default.  cobbler 1.4  has been pushed and is now waiting 
for the mirrors to catch up.


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