
While fixing our testsuite to run with PhantomJS, we hit a clunky part:

- One is that when adding a channel, default checksum is sha1, parent
channel None. But:
  - Changing the parent channel, triggers changing the checksum / arch
to the parent channel one
  - Except if you select Parent: None again, Checksum will be None (and
not sha1) -> BUG (and we can fix it and make a PR)

So to fix that bug, we found out that a None checksum makes taskomatic
silently skip that channel for metadata generation which could be very
confusing for users:

if (checksumtype == null) {
            generateBadRepo(channel, prefix);

So I was thinking to add a better log entry and may be a warning in the
channel details page, but...

If we don't generate metadata for "None", and this option is not part of
checksumtype table, but manually added in the form:
List<Map<String, String>> checksums = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
        addOption(checksums, ls.getMessage("generic.jsp.none"), "");
        for (ChecksumType chType :
ChannelFactory.listYumSupportedChecksums()) {
            addOption(checksums, chType.getLabel(), chType.getLabel());

Why not removing the "None" option alltogether? Does anyone see a reason
to keep it?


Duncan Mac-Vicar P. - http://www.suse.com/

SUSE Linux GmbH, GF: Felix Imendörffer, Jane Smithard, Dilip Upmanyu,
Graham Norton, HRB 21284 (AG Nürnberg)
Maxfeldstraße 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany

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