on Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 05:30:52PM -0700%, Balam Willemsen said:

    q>  Do the fuzzy checksums ignore "personalizations"?

    a>  Yes, they ignore many so called "personalizations".

err.  thanks, but that's not really enough information to tell me
anything.  what is considered a "personalization"?  does that just
mean it will ignore email addresses and "dear $name,", or will it also
deal well with something like:



well, i don't really need to know the details.  if it's true that
razor, pyzor, etc. somehow do the right thing(tm) with all spam, no
matter how it's tailored, just knowing that would be enough for me,
and i'll be happy to report it all.  i just don't want to abuse
reporting services by submitting information no one else can use.


| jeff covey [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://pobox.com/~jeff.covey/ 410-869-8088 |
| Hi!  I think that this site, would be more photos about them.  I hope for  |
| answer!!!...  ...If you could send some photo... I\264ll thank\264s        |
|                                        -- freshmeat.net contributor        |

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