on Thu, Jun 19, 2003 at 10:51:30AM +0200%, Tony Earnshaw said:

    jeff> 75 spam messages have been recorded as ham.  i don't have
    jeff> the original messages, so i can't use sa-learn to unlearn
    jeff> them.  how can i keep the spam i've given the filter but
    jeff> wipe out all the ham, so i can start training ham from
    jeff> scratch?

    tony> AFAIK you can't. Either wipe out your Bayes database and
    tony> begin again, or wait for the token bias to cure itself -
    tony> which, given time, it will, of course. Depending on how much
    tony> spam and non-spam you have in the database and the daily
    tony> volume of mail, the bias for 75 false spam messages
    tony> shouldn't take too long to decrease.

ok, i'll just push on.  thanks!

| jeff covey [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://pobox.com/~jeff.covey/ 410-869-8088 |
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