Hi Oded,

Thanks for your interest in iProphet.  When you use iProphet to
combine the results of multiple search engines (although this is not a
prerequisite for using iProphet), then iProphet will report the top
scoring DB engine hit in the pepXML file for each spectrum searched.
You will have a heterogeneous pepXML file with entries from multiple
search engines you used.  Currently, there is no way to display the
search engine information in the pepXMLViewer, this is a feature that
we hope to add to the viewer in the future.

We are currently in the thralls of working on an iProphet journal
publication;  I first presented the tool on posters at ASMS 2008 and
World HUPO 2008, you should be able to find these at the following
link: http://www.proteomecenter.org/Posters.php


P.S. Sorry about the delayed response. I've been on parental leave and
working less than full time for the past few weeks.

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 5:37 AM, Oded <oded.kleif...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there a way to display Mascot or/and X!tandem search scores (ion
> score/expect) in iProphet.pep.xml?
> I'm using TPP v4.3 JETSTREAM (unstable dev prerelease) rev 0 on Mac Os
> X but had the same issue with TPP 4.2.0 on WinXP.
> In addition what is the proper reference for citing iProphet (if there
> is one)?
> Any help would be highly appreciated.
> Oded
> >

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