Just a reminder, Mike's main complain-- the dependency on specific versions
of boost, which are often maintained differently for each distribution-- was
remedied in the current TPP series (4.3), which contains a copy of boost
source code and transparently builds the relevant necessary components
during the TPP build process.


On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Brian Pratt <brian.pr...@insilicos.com>wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> As Matt says, it's mostly a matter of somebody deciding they want to take
> that on.  It's unlikely to be any current TPP developer, we're already
> hands-full.
> The working assumption is that windows user are almost certainly not
> programmers, but linux users are probably at least able to download and
> build stuff out of previous necessity.  If you've spent much time with linux
> packaging systems you're already aware that it's not a magic bullet - you
> can get tangled up in the linux equivalent of DLL hell in no time flat and
> wind up building from source anyway.
> We do actually link statically to boost, perhaps you are working with some
> older code?
> The big problem we experienced with boost packages is that on some distros
> they're just too out of date.  The ProteoWizard library that TPP uses for
> mzML handling demands a pretty current boost (in some cases even using
> as-yet-unreleased boost features!), in the end just building it seemed the
> easiest route.
> Brian
> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Matthew Chambers <
> matthew.chamb...@vanderbilt.edu> wrote:
>> If TPP would link to boost statically it wouldn't be an issue. But IIRC
>> there has been a thread on this topic before and it wasn't deemed worth
>> the effort of maintaining...unless you're volunteering? ;)
>> -Matt
>> Mike Coleman wrote:
>> > Has there been any thought about packaging up TPP for Ubuntu/Debian
>> > and possibly RedHat/CentOS?
>> >
>> > I went through the exercise of installing it from scratch, following
>> > the directions on the wiki page, and I can imagine that this would be
>> > quite daunting for a non-programmer.
>> >
>> > Just off the top of my head, it looks like the main problem to solve
>> > will be that TPP is tending to rely on bleeding-edge versions of the
>> > Boost libraries.  Is there any chance that a change could be made to
>> > stick with versions that are merely reasonably current (and thus
>> > packaged)?  (Ubuntu Jaunty has 1.37, for example.)
>> >>

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