
What settings are you using for the ASAPRatio quantitation? We find
that the m/z tolerance value (-r) is critical to getting good
quantitation in complex samples. The default is +/- 0.5 m/z units,
which is quite wide. If you're using Orbitrap / QTOF data then it
definitely needs to be set to something like the actual mass accuracy
of the instrument.

I have a comparison somewhere of the Mann Maxquant HeLa dataset from
ProteomeCommons run through the TPP with ASAPRatio quantitation, and
if I recall correctly the results aren't far off MaxQuant. I'll check
for it though.


On 7 Apr, 08:44, Oded <oded.kleif...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Are there any planned improvements or development of new tools for MS1
> quantification. I use Xpress and it work pretty well for me but still
> require a bit of manual inspection. As for ASAPratio I find it to be
> usually off and to require a lot (too much) of manual inspection and
> correction (which is also not too user-friendly but this is a
> different story).
> More specificially, it would be great to have the ability for Xpress
> to calculate the protein ratios following the median of the identified
> peptides ratio and not the mean (as in MaxQuant). I tried to use Excel
> for such calculation after exporting ProteinProphet output (while
> checking the "show peptides" option) but currently only the mean ratio
> is being exported and not the specific ratio of each peptide within a
> protein.
> Thanks,
> Oded

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