Sorry for a slow response. This week is especially busy for me...

I borrowed the notion from Austrian Citizen ID system.
In there, the services are divided into "sectors."
A sector may span several agencies.
They call ID as PIN (Personal Identification Number).

There is a secret PIN (sPIN) which is not used anywhere but in their SmartCard.
Then, sector sepcific PIN (ssPIN) is calculated in the manner of :

SHA1(sPIN + SectorID)

(Note, there is a bit more details but...)

I have thrown OP secret into it.
To avoid the analytic attack, I agree that it is better to use
individual secret, as some of you
points out.



On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 5:55 PM, Dick Hardt <> wrote:
> On 12-May-09, at 1:36 AM, Nat Sakimura wrote:
>> Reason for using RP's Subject in XRD instead of simply using realm is
>> to allow for something like group identifier.
> would you elaborate on the group identifier concept?
>> This is just one idea. Downside of this approach
>> is that we need to set up a WG.
>> I am sure there are more ideas. It might be possible to utilize AX
>> so that it will only be a profile that does not require a WG.
>> So shall we start discussing which direction we want to go forward?
> sure!

Nat Sakimura (=nat)
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