Invitation to an in-person screening of Girls | Museum (2020/72:00) at the 
Goethe Institute, New York. 

** Invitation to Girls | Museum, Goethe Institute New York

Dear Friends:
I’m happy to invite you to an in-person screening of Girls | Museum 
 (2020/72:00) at the Goethe Institute New York. 
 Following the screening, I’ll be in discussion with Lisa Small, Senior Curator 
European Art at the Brooklyn Museum. Many thanks to Sara Stevenson, Executive 
Director German Film Office, who programmed the evening. It would be lovely to 
see you there.

Girls | Museum
Friday April 8th, 7pm
Goethe-Institut New York
30 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003
View Map 
Register for the event 

We are born into an already-constructed world – we don’t choose our own 
history, context, or culture. We each enter with new eyes into a culture which 
has already been shaped and structured based on the desires and power of 
others. This culture is most often opaque, hidden under the smooth surface of 
‘the way it is,’ and ‘the way it was’.

Museums are institutions that are entrusted to preserve – they are a repository 
of highly selective views of history and civilization. There is no lack of 
depictions of women on display, mothers, wives, prostitutes, artist’s models 
and muses – contemporary, classical and religious figures are all seen through 
the eyes of male artists. Taking into account this imbalance, through what lens 
should this work be viewed today?

Girls / Museum is a voyage through the historical art collection of the 
MdbK/Museum of Fine Art Leipzig, guided by the expertise and insights of a 
group of girls, ages 7 to 19. Moving from artwork to artwork, century to 
century, they tell us what they see. Bringing up issues such as gender 
fluidity, power, inequality, precarity and war, their responses, both directly 
and indirectly, raise questions about what and who we, as a culture, value.
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