----- Original Message ----- 
From: "C A Tomy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <speedtouch@ml.free.fr>
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2007 5:27 AM
Subject: [speedtouch] Re: Speedtouch and LAN with static IP and Gateway

> > Is it possible to make configuation based on br2684 that uses amarpd.
You do not need both together.
Both are parts of old 1483 and new 2684 RFC.
They are two different protocols :
- atmarp/atmarpd is for routed IP
- br2684 is for bridged ethernet
br2684 is courantly used with PPPoE but PPPoE is not the only br2684
solution. You should be able to use with a static IP (and maybe too with
dhcp / not so sure).

> > If so how is it done?
> > Some time back, I assumed my connection to be PPPoE and tried
> > to configure my connection. But this is what I got :
> localhost peers # br2684ctl -b -c 0 -a 8.35 &&
> > sleep 5
> br2684ctl[7028]: Interface "nas0" created sucessfully
> br2684ctl[7028]: Communicating over ATM 0.8.35, encapsulation: LLC
> br2684ctl[7028]: Interface configured
> localhost peers # ifconfig nas0 netmask &&
> > sleep 10 &&
> localhost peers # route add default gw
> localhost peers # pppd call speedtch
There, you should test :
- if pinging the gateway work,
- then test to ping numerical google IP
That will work if PPPoE is not required.
- then test www.google.com
that will work if dns are properly set


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