
Cython is very powerful and works well with the most recent release, but 
there are a few things that would help out greatly, if possible:

*code checking:*
Currently, i know if I forgot a bracket or a colon when I compile my code. 
 It would be nice to have auto-updated code checking as in python along 
with better color coding say for "cimport", etc.

*That helpful annotate thing:*
While it is straightforward to have a terminal and browser open to look at 
all those pretty yellow lines from the annotation results, having something 
built in as a shortcut or a button would be helpful.  Even if it just 
called the "cython -a myfile.pyx" routine and auto-opened the default 
browser, it would be great.

*A compile button:*
Hey, we know it is a cython file with that pyx extension, so why not have a 
button and shortcut that runs a nice little script:

from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize 
import numpy as np 
import other_modules???
 ext_modules = cythonize("C:\mypath\myfile.pyx"), 

And run:

python setup.py build_ext --inplace

I think these additions would make using Cython much more user friendly and 
accessible in Spyder.


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