On 18 Oct 2003 at 17:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> <knip>


> > The mailing list software ALREADY works according to RFC 822. Go back,
> > re-read the sentence you just posted and note that the emphasis belongs
> > on the word "reply" not on "super-sedes" [sic].
> You are right, I cited the wrong sentence, this one is better, also from RFC 822

Note that debating the contents of RFC 822 is beside the point.  It has 
been superceded by RFC 2822 and it has no such section -- the info about 
that field has been trimmed down substantially.

> 3.6.2. Originator fields
>    The originator fields of a message consist of the from field, the
>    sender field (when applicable), and optionally the reply-to field.
>    ... an optional
>    reply-to field MAY also be included, which contains the field name
>    "Reply-To" and a comma-separated list of one or more addresses.


>    The originator fields also provide the information required when
>    replying to a message.  When the "Reply-To:" field is present, it
>    indicates the mailbox(es) to which the author of the message suggests
>    that replies be sent.  In the absence of the "Reply-To:" field, replies
>    SHOULD by default be sent to the mailbox(es) specified in the "From:"
>    field unless otherwise specified by the person composing the reply.

Note two things: first the verbiage about the 'teleconferencing' stuff 
has been removed [NB: I don't believe this is just an oversight, but 
rather because of a general feeling that "reply-to-list" is not such a 
good thing, as has been beaten to death here and elsewhere].  Second, in 
the use of reply-to the operative verb is "suggests", which clearly 
implies that mail clients that permit reply-addressing options *beyond* 
just "send it where the reply-to says" are proper and expected.


Bernie Cosell                     Fantasy Farm Fibers
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     Pearisburg, VA
    -->  Too many people, too few sheep  <--       

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