Gerhard Häring wrote:

Lindsay Mathieson wrote:

[...] there is no general agreement on this subject except for long std practice, which is to use reply-to

"Long standing practice" in the mailing lists I'm subscribed to (among which are [EMAIL PROTECTED], several FreeBSD and Debian ones) is to *not* do reply-to munging.

I'm tired of this debate. All I can say that in the lists I administer, there won't be any reply-to munging as long as I'm the admin. Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt.

-- Gerhard

Why not be a bit flexible, one of the tasks of an admin is to comfort the users as much as he or she can.
To make computers usable for the tools people use.

Me too, I am tired of this debate.

And I am not interested in FreeBSD or Python mailinglists, I am interested in sqlite, that is why I am here and not there.

Tell us which emailclients we should use, maybe we can learn from you, do not forget, a part of sqlite-users is Windows-user, and sqlite is also a Windows-product.
For me, I use Windows and Linux, as it comes. But I do not want to start another computer just because I want to answer to a sqlite-list-email

Your message is clear

But I guess, we have to accept a dictorial administrator because sqlite is such a great product.


Let us keep the values of sqlite to ourselves, and lock out people which are not using a proper email-client.

let us also lockout people which accidently post in HTML or make their lines longer then 72 characters, or use the wrong character set, or top-quoting, or shouting with heavy use of *asterix*
People who are not prepared to dive into complicated configurationfiles of emailclients (MUA's) which are used by less then 1% of world population, the do not deserve such a beautiful product as sqlite. There must be a lot more we can do to scare people of, maybe someone has more ideas.
Let's have fun with that.
For the ones who did not notice, I was sarcastic above. That is not my opinion I expressed

And then, not sarcastic, but serious, I said yesterday, that for my concern this discussion was closed, but the way people communicate about this matter made me
write this. The attitude is really arrogant and even sometimes aggressive. Those attitudes is very common for people and animals which are afraid.
Why lock people out with standards which are hardly supported, What are you afraid of?

Oldies which cannot adopt modern times are in the end locking themselves out.
I am not going to tell you how long I am on the Internet, I do not think that is relevant in this debate.
So keep your T-shirts, I don't want to know about them, they represent intolerance.

Kind regards
Bert Verhees

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