On Nov 16, 2016, at 8:46 AM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
>> On 11/16/16, Keith Medcalf <kmedc...@dessus.com> wrote:
>> What I do not
>> understand is why one would use a UUID (randomly generated bunch of bytes)
>> as a key in a database.  It is long, every use must be checked for
>> collisions, and inherently far less efficient than the simple integer
>> sequence it is replacing.
> If you use good randomness to generate the UUID and if the UUID is
> long enough, then you do not, in fact, need to check for collisions.
> It doesn't take an excessively long UUID to make the probability of
> collision become far less than the probability of a random cosmic ray
> hit on your CPU causing it to give the wrong answer on a collision

I think this discussion is about apples and oranges.  UUID stands for 
universally UNIQUE identifier, so there won't be any collisions.  It looks 
random, but it never repeats.  Here's one: 
"cb058c3a-ac3d-11e6-80f5-76304dec7eb7".  I use a UUID [a non-random string 
guaranteed to be unique -- obtained via an iOS getUUID() function call] to 
match records in two databases on different machines.  They are records for 
individuals that occasionally have to be merged.  The UUID is acts as a 
guaranteed unique name for each individual.


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