On 2016/11/17 10:48 AM, J Decker wrote:

one duplicate. In other words, only after generating 1 billion UUIDs every
second for the next 100 years, the probability of creating just one
duplicate would be about 50%.

All correct, but sounding misleading... Your phrase tends to sound like "Only after 1 billion UUIDs / sec for 100 years do I have a 50% chance of getting a single duplicate...".

The real story is: "After creating that amount of UUIDs, I have a 50% for every next UUID I make to be a duplicate..." - Which basically means, Uniqueness expectation is destroyed by that time, and in fact, long before that time.

What further is misleading, is that Loooooong before then, you will have a decent chance of getting duplicate UUIDs, 1%, or even 0.0001% chance happens billions of iterations sooner (which is already horribly bad for the standard programming project, meaning you'd have to actively test uniqueness long before this).

And even if the chance is 0.0000001% - there is no guarantee that any next UUID is unique - in fact, it is guaranteed that by a 1 in 100 million chance, it won't be unique (so if you make 100 million UUIDs, not an uncommon amount, it will hit a duplicate). It's like the Lotto analogy: There is an extremely small chance for you to win the lotto (IIRC 1 in 14 mil or so), yet every week or so, someone wins it... Don't confuse low probability with likelihood of an event - the population size dictates it.

Reminds me of this satire exchange between a probability theory professor and a student (I am doing this from memory, so might get it wrong, feel free to post the original if known): Student: So, if I toss this coin ten times, It will land heads up five times?
Professor: Probably.
Student: But it will definitely get heads at least once right?
Professor: Probably.
Student:  But surely it won't land tails every time?
Professor: Probably not.




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