Unfortunately no, there is no time stamp at the command lines, and I can't
add that ability  (Maybe if I setup my own new account on our jump-point
server, but then I've got another kettle to deal with).  The only reference
to a time is based on the filename that Putty creates the file, and the
last modified time stamp on the file at the file system level.  Then I have
that as a range of days, which should be good enough to start pin pointing
what I may need to find.

For past entries, that would be the best time resolution I would have.
However, going forward, if this software were to run as a type of service
(Or a hidden app that runs in the background -- Its my machine, its
allowed), I could just watch when a file is changed and put in whatever is
new and the resolution would become time between checks.

The other duplicate lines that can show up isn't of what I type, but, what
is returned.  There are a lot of times I use WATCH to keep tabs on the
status of the age of files in a particular directory, or, spam LS to do
something similar, etc.  There is a lot of duplication (I can't even
imagine to what level as I just don't know) I'm just not aware of or
noticed, but, its something I know exists and something I'd like to trim

(Not to mention, I really wanna get rid of 900 files off my drive and
consolidate into one)

On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 11:36 AM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> On 2 Feb 2017, at 4:22pm, Stephen Chrzanowski <pontia...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > But, in my preplanning, scenario development and brain storming, the
> above
> > paragraph is going to destroy my machine doing a [ select * from CmdLine
> > where upper(CmdEntered) =upper('SomeText') ] every time I read a new line
> > from a new log file to verify if the entry has been made.
> Wait wait wait.  I type duplicate commands all the time.
> When you create your text log does it not have a timestamp on every line
> ?  If not, can you make it do so ?  Then all you have to do is check
> whether the timestamp matches a column of the table.  Should be a
> fixed-length or delimited field, easy to isolate.
> Simon.
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